August 19, 2010


My life and house used to be quite, clean and organized...almost empty, if you will. I liked spending free time with family and friends. I was able to sleep and not worry about being tired or having to get up in the middle of the night. Getting ready to go anywhere only took 15 minutes. I could use both arms and hands when loading up the car or carrying groceries. Will, ever since you came along, my world has changed.

You have filled one bedroom in our little house. Your nursery looks the same as it did the day you came home. Light green walls and dark brown furniture. When you play in your room, you fit right in with the jungle theme as a little monkey.

My living room, once empty, is now filled and strewn with noisy toys that you love to play with. Your love for music urges you press all the buttons over and over again. You like to smile and dance to any song. Sometimes you dance without music, I think that there is a happy jingle that plays in your head.

Our car is filled with your massive car seat, which keeps you safe and sound. It must be pretty comfortable because you sleep the best when we go for rides. You also have a musical toy there too. You are big enough now to be able to tap it with your toes get turn it on and off.

At bath time, our tub is full of bubbles and squirting sea creatures. You just love to play in the water. You squeal with delight as you splash and splash and splash. By the time your bath is done, I am soaked too.

I could go on and on about all the things that fill our house since you have arrived...but you fill my heart and mind the most.

Last year was the very first time I heard you cry and when I saw your face, my heart filled with love. The kind of love only a mother could feel. So much that words cannot even come close. I don't mind if I don't get any sleep because you couldn't sleep and just wanted me to hold you. I don't mind if my house isn't clean or organized. And as far as friends....I don't see them as much, but I have you. You fill my days and nights with so much love, happiness and laughter. What else could I possibly need?

You are getting so big. Now when I hold you, you fill my arms. As I carry you, you hold on tight as if you are giving me a big ongoing hug. I love being so close to you. You really like to snuggle and lay your head on my shoulder when you are tired or scared. I quietly sing, "You are my Sunshine" and it calms you down instantly. I don't want to think of the day that you will be too big to hold or carry. As for now, I'm loving every second.

My mind is filled with a year of precious memories. Your first cry, the day we brought you home, your first smile, the first you rolled over, sat up and now you are crawling. You have learned so much in such a short amount of time. Each day you seem to get a little more confident standing on two feet. You are still hesitant to let go of anything. Walking will be another memory that I will file as well.

Today you are one and you may not be my "baby" any longer, but to me you will be. My little baby forever in my heart and mind.

Happy Birthday William Alexander!

I love you,